Friday, December 10, 2010

Children's 31st Party

This is temporary page, as website is under technical changes.

We’re extremely sorry! This time we’re not going to celebrate the New Year. We find it too monotonous an affair. So we’ve given it up.

Well, hold on… Before you discontinue reading further, let me tell you what’s on our mind.

This December 31st , we’re celebrating the “new decade”! Yes, the first 10 years of the 21st century are coming to a close and we’re about to parade into the second decade. So doesn’t such a grand event call for a grander celebration? That’s exactly what we think. And so with great pleasure we invite your kids to our most extravagant event: Goodbye 2010!

You may say: All parties have games and gifts and music and food…

So what’s so special about Goodbye 2010!?

First let us tell you a secret…

Santa is looking for a lost placeXanadu! Doesn’t that name sound strange and unheard? Yes, but the place does exist. A magical wonderland, Xanadu is a secret utopia on planet earth. But Santa cannot make to this place alone, for only children can find the lost path.

And along the journey that unfolds, there will be chance encounters with fairies, magicians and jokers who will guide, help, hint and entertain. But alas! Evil spirits, pirates and tricksters will skip no opportunity to sabotage the endeavour.

But Santa has made up his mind. Com what may, he will lead his little brigade of explorers and adventurers to this secret destination.

Would your child like to be party to this great voyage to the city of Xanadu?

We promise this would be their most memorable beginning of New Year 2011. Full of fun, music, games, dance, gifts and many more surprises

Date: 31st Dec & 1st Jan

Venue: Panvel

Charges: Rs. 1850/-

Pick Up: Borivali, Andheri, Dadar, Ghatkopar, Mulund & Dombivali

For further detail

Call: 9833313108, 9322181849 or


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