Thursday, May 9, 2013

It’s all about STORIES

Once upon a time, I was having lot of time to play, to dance, to cry, to scream, to sing randomly and with no reason. I heard stories while eating, while sleeping, while pursuing my education, people were taking me to show all new things and I was getting amazed, I do not remember every pulse of that time but I remember many stories. 

The dynamism of story is how it travels from one culture to another, from generation to generation with many different versions and still immortally alive. Myth, mythology, epics, ghost stories, fairy tales, funny, foolish or wisdom stories, in India it was an oral tradition. The prime reason of immortality is human involvement. It hasn’t stopped yet in today’s time. Do you know why companies spend lots of money on user manuals and make separate packaging for it with gazettes? Because, they know, that even the user knows the device still it might require ones’s crucial time to understand the particular function of device. Story works exactly like that, it requires one’s crucial time to understand situation in a better way, and a situation which occurs in all kinds of relations, personal, social, cultural and official agenda. Stories mirror human thought as humans think in narrative structures and most often remember facts in story form. Facts can be understood as smaller versions of a larger story thus storytelling can supplement analytical thinking.

It has been noticed and experienced that stories help to understand kid’s behavior, to introduce required the system in particular department in business, to realize environmental as well as esthetical issues, and the most importantly which we all liked in our grandmother stories, that is fun and sound sleep. It works in metaphorical way. Stories: we all love to listen and we get many simple solutions for complex matters.

If you are feeling storious and you need more info.
Paresh Gosar 


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